E3 VUCA world, VUCA pharmacy

Thursday 1 September 2016
Hilton Buenos Aires : Atlantico C, 1.5 hours

Organised by the FIP Community Pharmacy Section and the FIP Young Pharmacists’ Group

Simultaneous translation in Spanish


How can you ensure your pharmacy survives in the VUCA world — a world that is volatile, uncertain,complex and ambiguous? And how can you acquire the necessary leadership skills? The VUCA world demands a new form of leadership, a leadership model flexible enough and fast enough for our high-speed connected age.

What is different now is that the pace of change, the immediateness, the extent of impact and the number of forces to be taken into account have drastically increased.

So from a management standpoint, on top of modifying how we approach execution in the context of strategic initiatives, VUCA brings two additional consequences for pharmacy:

-        Strategic thinking becomes an imperative
-        Hiring the right leaders becomes crucial


And leadership matters, since leadership makes the difference between success and failure of all

organisations. Winning in the VUCA world requires pharmacy to develop a new kind of leadership that is values-led and purpose-driven and leaders who can redefine the role of pharmacy in society.

Being values-led is about the foundation that will underpin the future pharmacy.


Warren Meek (FIP CPS, Canada)

Learning objectives

At the conclusion of this knowledge-based session, participants will be able to:

  1. Define the necessary actions to turn the pharmacy into a Lovemark, by developing irreplaceable customer relationships
  2. Explain how to cope with the VUCA world
  3. Identify the importance of values within leadership
  4. Outline how to transform pharmacy and pharmacy services from the attention economy to the participation economy.



1)      Modern and value-based leadership

Mrudula Naidu (FIP YPG, India)


2)      The pharmacy in a VUCA world — leadership and relationships in the VUCA-world

Lars-Åke Söderlund (Apoteket AB, Sweden)