B7 The pharmacist is online: Social media for beginners

Monday 29 August 2016
Hilton Buenos Aires : Atlantico C, 1.5 hours

Organised by the FIP Community Pharmacy Section, the FIP Health and Medicines Information Section, the Young Pharmacists’ Group and the International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation

Simultaneous translation in Spanish



 The rise of the use of digital technology has transformed everyday life and health care globally. The growth in the use of the internet, social media and apps, as well as the uptake of personal computing, smartphones and tablets by patients and their caregivers, has enabled pharmacists to provide some support associated with the profession. In addition, there is huge potential for pharmacists to break into isolated work settings and to collaborate with one another and other professionals through social media.

Social media is broadly used by pharmacists for personal and even marketing purposes, but its professional use could be increased. Potential barriers to pharmacists using social media include issues related to privacy, lack of time, distinguishing boundaries between personal and professional life, as well as limited awareness and skill in how to use social media as part of one’s practice.

This session will provide practical ways to overcome these barriers and provide the necessary knowledge and tips to begin using social media in a professional, convenient and safe way.

To allow an interactive experience and enable better learning of the contents, case studies to be solved by the participants will be proposed.


Learning objectives

At the conclusion of this application-based session, participants will be able to:

  1. Endorse the best ways of communicating professionally on the internet
  2. Draw an online strategy
  3. Classify the different types of social media, and describe how to use them for their constructive professional application
  4. Demonstrate how to generate content together with other social media users sufficient to be considered an online expert.


Jaime Acosta Gómez (FIP CPS, Spain) 



1)      Why social media? Opportunities and trends

Inma Riu (Freelancer and blogger, Spain)


2)      Social media as a professional tool

Helen Gordon (Royal Pharmaceutical Society, UK)


3)      Blogs and Twitter

Kelly Grindrod (University of Waterloo, Canada)